Renowned dancer/actress Mia Diaz, known for her work on Dance Moms, Disney, and movies…shows how she uses her SleevePal®…
JoAnn Gross, co-inventor of SleevePal® being interviewed on Innovation Divaz podcast

SleevePal® was participant in the HSB-Four Seasons gift swag bags that were given to Golden Globe winners, nominees and talent. From Kate Winslet to Jon Hamm…even Al Roker got our SleevePals®! The swag bag was also featured on the popular tv show Extra!
Featured on various popular TV morning shows

Featured in popular magazines such as National Examiner and InTouch!
SleevePal® Mission to Help Others
We are proud to have donated our products to various causes, such as:
- Live Your Legacy Summit-Emmy® Award Winner Aurea McGarry and everyday “heroes” who support nonprofit organizations that help children and teens.
- Confidential event for single moms from abusive relationships, with special needs children. Donated our products to go with gift cards they received, so can help make their lives less stressful and more organized.